Solus is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of our own operations, products and services.
Bringing greener habits into the workplace is an important aspect of tackling climate change. A significant proportion of CO2 emissions come from the office so it’s important that we all do our bit. There are some simple steps that you can take at work and home, many of them will help you or your business to save money too.
In the office and the home
- Don’t use standby, turn lights, printers and other electrical appliances off! Appliances on standby can use up to 85 per cent of the energy they use when fully on.
- Recycle as much of your waste as you can. If you aren’t sure whether something can be recycled contact the manufacturer or look on their website. Most local councils have very comprehensive recycling schemes.
- Check energy ratings on equipment, particularly if you are about to purchase something new.
- Only boil the water you need in a kettle and keep the element lime scale free, it uses less energy!
- Unplug your phone charger when your phone is fully charged.
- Always use energy saving light bulbs.
In the office
- Only print if you need to, when you do, try to use both sides of the paper.
- Use compatible paper cartridges, which are remanufactured.
- Car share on the way to and from work, or better still use a bicycle if possible.
- Look at the products you order from us, all those with environmental accreditation are clearly defined.
- Consolidate orders to reduce packaging, paperwork and transport emissions.
To find out more about what you and your company can do to help make a difference, go to: or